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dev 阶段的 vite


vite 源码是从 initDepsOptimizer 进入的

// vite\packages\vite\src\node\server\index.ts
initingServer = (async function () {
  await container.buildStart({});
  // start deps optimizer after all container plugins are ready
  if (isDepsOptimizerEnabled(config, false)) {
    await initDepsOptimizer(config, server);
  initingServer = undefined;
  serverInited = true;
// vite\packages\vite\src\node\server\index.ts
initingServer = (async function () {
  await container.buildStart({});
  // start deps optimizer after all container plugins are ready
  if (isDepsOptimizerEnabled(config, false)) {
    await initDepsOptimizer(config, server);
  initingServer = undefined;
  serverInited = true;

为了简单之后的代码我贴我自己的 sun-vite 的其实核心是差不多的,只是少了点特殊处理,理解起来也更容易


  • 确定入口
  • 从入口处扫描依赖
  • 预构建依赖

后面两步主要借助 esbuild 进行


await build({
  entryPoints: [entry],
  bundle: true,
  write: false,
  plugins: [scanPlugin(deps)],
await build({
  entryPoints: [entry],
  bundle: true,
  write: false,
  plugins: [scanPlugin(deps)],

注意write: false表示产物不用写入磁盘,这就大大节省了磁盘 I/O 的时间了,也是依赖扫描为什么往往比依赖打包快很多的原因之一。

下面我们来看下 scanPlugin 做了什么

  • 对一些如 css,less 等的一些文件进行忽略构建不让 esbuild 处理,防止 Esbuild 报错

  • 对第三方导入的包进行记录记在 dep 里

import { Plugin } from "esbuild";
import { BARE_IMPORT_RE, EXTERNAL_TYPES } from "../constants";

export function scanPlugin(deps: Set<string>): Plugin {
  return {
    name: "esbuild:scan-deps",
    setup(build) {
      // 忽略的文件类型
        { filter: new RegExp(`\\.(${EXTERNAL_TYPES.join("|")})$`) },
        (resolveInfo) => {
          return {
            path: resolveInfo.path,
            // 打上 external 标记
            external: true,
      // 记录依赖
          filter: BARE_IMPORT_RE,
        (resolveInfo) => {
          const { path: id } = resolveInfo;
          // 推入 deps 集合中

          return {
            path: id,
            // 忽略了node_modules的东西从而减少了构建发生时间
            // external直接略过不再进行递归bundle
            external: true,
import { Plugin } from "esbuild";
import { BARE_IMPORT_RE, EXTERNAL_TYPES } from "../constants";

export function scanPlugin(deps: Set<string>): Plugin {
  return {
    name: "esbuild:scan-deps",
    setup(build) {
      // 忽略的文件类型
        { filter: new RegExp(`\\.(${EXTERNAL_TYPES.join("|")})$`) },
        (resolveInfo) => {
          return {
            path: resolveInfo.path,
            // 打上 external 标记
            external: true,
      // 记录依赖
          filter: BARE_IMPORT_RE,
        (resolveInfo) => {
          const { path: id } = resolveInfo;
          // 推入 deps 集合中

          return {
            path: id,
            // 忽略了node_modules的东西从而减少了构建发生时间
            // external直接略过不再进行递归bundle
            external: true,



构建的内容放在path.join("node_modules", ".m-vite");

await build({
  entryPoints: [...deps],
  write: true,
  bundle: true,
  format: "esm",
  splitting: true,
  outdir: path.resolve(root, PRE_BUNDLE_DIR),
  plugins: [preBundlePlugin(deps)],
await build({
  entryPoints: [...deps],
  write: true,
  bundle: true,
  format: "esm",
  splitting: true,
  outdir: path.resolve(root, PRE_BUNDLE_DIR),
  plugins: [preBundlePlugin(deps)],


其实核心就是标记所要打包第三方包减少请求次数,然后进行 esModule 的转化

import { Loader, Plugin } from "esbuild";
import { BARE_IMPORT_RE } from "../constants";
// 用来分析 es 模块 import/export 语句的库
import { init, parse } from "es-module-lexer";
import path from "path";
// 一个实现了 node 路径解析算法的库
import resolve from "resolve";
// 一个更加好用的文件操作库
import fs from "fs-extra";
// 用来开发打印 debug 日志的库
import createDebug from "debug";
import { normalizePath } from "../utils";

const debug = createDebug("dev");

export function preBundlePlugin(deps: Set<string>): Plugin {
  return {
    name: "esbuild:pre-bundle",
    setup(build) {
          filter: BARE_IMPORT_RE,
        (resolveInfo) => {
          const { path: id, importer } = resolveInfo;
          const isEntry = !importer;
          // 命中需要预编译的依赖
          if (deps.has(id)) {
            // 若为入口,则标记 dep 的 namespace
            return isEntry
              ? {
                  path: id,
                  namespace: "dep",
              : {
                  // 因为走到 onResolve 了,所以这里的 path 就是绝对路径了
                  path: resolve.sync(id, { basedir: process.cwd() }),

      // 拿到标记后的依赖,构造代理模块,交给 esbuild 打包
          filter: /.*/,
          namespace: "dep",
        async (loadInfo) => {
          await init;
          const id = loadInfo.path;
          const root = process.cwd();
          const entryPath = normalizePath(resolve.sync(id, { basedir: root }));
          const code = await fs.readFile(entryPath, "utf-8");
          const [imports, exports] = await parse(code);
          let proxyModule = [];
          // cjs
          if (!imports.length && !exports.length) {
            // 构造代理模块
            // 下面的代码后面会解释
            const res = require(entryPath);
            const specifiers = Object.keys(res);
              `export { ${specifiers.join(",")} } from "${entryPath}"`,
              `export default require("${entryPath}")`
          } else {
            // esm 格式比较好处理,export * 或者 export default 即可
            if (exports.includes("default")) {
              proxyModule.push(`import d from "${entryPath}";export default d`);
            proxyModule.push(`export * from "${entryPath}"`);

          debug("代理模块内容: %o", proxyModule.join("\n"));
          const loader = path.extname(entryPath).slice(1);
          return {
            loader: loader as Loader,
            contents: proxyModule.join("\n"),
            resolveDir: root,
import { Loader, Plugin } from "esbuild";
import { BARE_IMPORT_RE } from "../constants";
// 用来分析 es 模块 import/export 语句的库
import { init, parse } from "es-module-lexer";
import path from "path";
// 一个实现了 node 路径解析算法的库
import resolve from "resolve";
// 一个更加好用的文件操作库
import fs from "fs-extra";
// 用来开发打印 debug 日志的库
import createDebug from "debug";
import { normalizePath } from "../utils";

const debug = createDebug("dev");

export function preBundlePlugin(deps: Set<string>): Plugin {
  return {
    name: "esbuild:pre-bundle",
    setup(build) {
          filter: BARE_IMPORT_RE,
        (resolveInfo) => {
          const { path: id, importer } = resolveInfo;
          const isEntry = !importer;
          // 命中需要预编译的依赖
          if (deps.has(id)) {
            // 若为入口,则标记 dep 的 namespace
            return isEntry
              ? {
                  path: id,
                  namespace: "dep",
              : {
                  // 因为走到 onResolve 了,所以这里的 path 就是绝对路径了
                  path: resolve.sync(id, { basedir: process.cwd() }),

      // 拿到标记后的依赖,构造代理模块,交给 esbuild 打包
          filter: /.*/,
          namespace: "dep",
        async (loadInfo) => {
          await init;
          const id = loadInfo.path;
          const root = process.cwd();
          const entryPath = normalizePath(resolve.sync(id, { basedir: root }));
          const code = await fs.readFile(entryPath, "utf-8");
          const [imports, exports] = await parse(code);
          let proxyModule = [];
          // cjs
          if (!imports.length && !exports.length) {
            // 构造代理模块
            // 下面的代码后面会解释
            const res = require(entryPath);
            const specifiers = Object.keys(res);
              `export { ${specifiers.join(",")} } from "${entryPath}"`,
              `export default require("${entryPath}")`
          } else {
            // esm 格式比较好处理,export * 或者 export default 即可
            if (exports.includes("default")) {
              proxyModule.push(`import d from "${entryPath}";export default d`);
            proxyModule.push(`export * from "${entryPath}"`);

          debug("代理模块内容: %o", proxyModule.join("\n"));
          const loader = path.extname(entryPath).slice(1);
          return {
            loader: loader as Loader,
            contents: proxyModule.join("\n"),
            resolveDir: root,

由此整个预构建阶段完成我们进行启动服务器 同时进入中间件执行


我们点击ocalhost:3000相当于发起一个 get 请求 所以我们中间件处理这个请求

import { NextHandleFunction } from "connect";
import { ServerContext } from "../index";
import path from "path";
import { pathExists, readFile } from "fs-extra";

export function indexHtmlMiddware(
  serverContext: ServerContext
): NextHandleFunction {
  return async (req, res, next) => {
    if (req.url === "/") {
      const { root } = serverContext;
      // 默认使用项目根目录下的 index.html
      const indexHtmlPath = path.join(root, "index.html");
      if (await pathExists(indexHtmlPath)) {
        const rawHtml = await readFile(indexHtmlPath, "utf8");
        let html = rawHtml;
        // 通过执行插件的 transformIndexHtml 方法来对 HTML 进行自定义的修改
        for (const plugin of serverContext.plugins) {
          if ((plugin as unknown as any).transformIndexHtml) {
            html = await (plugin as unknown as any).transformIndexHtml(html);

        res.statusCode = 200;
        res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
        return res.end(html);
    return next();
import { NextHandleFunction } from "connect";
import { ServerContext } from "../index";
import path from "path";
import { pathExists, readFile } from "fs-extra";

export function indexHtmlMiddware(
  serverContext: ServerContext
): NextHandleFunction {
  return async (req, res, next) => {
    if (req.url === "/") {
      const { root } = serverContext;
      // 默认使用项目根目录下的 index.html
      const indexHtmlPath = path.join(root, "index.html");
      if (await pathExists(indexHtmlPath)) {
        const rawHtml = await readFile(indexHtmlPath, "utf8");
        let html = rawHtml;
        // 通过执行插件的 transformIndexHtml 方法来对 HTML 进行自定义的修改
        for (const plugin of serverContext.plugins) {
          if ((plugin as unknown as any).transformIndexHtml) {
            html = await (plugin as unknown as any).transformIndexHtml(html);

        res.statusCode = 200;
        res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
        return res.end(html);
    return next();

然后就是一个核心transform的中间件 他会依次调用插件的 resolveId、load、transform 方法 以及一些resolve一些路径使得浏览器可以直接拿到相应的资源 其中JS/TS/JSX/TSX编译通过esbuild的transform处理 在插件里我们就会完成静态资源处理,JS/TS/JSX/TSX编译等等


  • 路径解析插件
  • Esbuild 语法编译插件
  • import 分析插件